Art Fair Schedule 2024

I have a ton of shows going on this year, here are the confirmed ones so far. Come back later, I’ll be updating this page regularly.


Market at From Buds to BloomsMay 18thEssexville, MI
Kensington Metropark Art FairMay 25-27Milford, MI


Palmer Park Art FairJune 1-2Detroit, MI
Westside Art HopJune 15-16Ann Arbor, MI
NINE Design + Homes Festival of the ArtsJune 22Redford, MI
Sandhill Crane Winery Summer Solstice FestivalJune 29Jackson, MI


Royal Oak Outdoor Art FairJuly 6-7Royal Oak, MI
Ann Arbor Summer Art FairJuly 18-20Ann Arbor, MI
Fenton Art WalkJuly 27Fenton, MI


Artist Popup at the Gutman GalleryAugust 10Ann Arbor, MI
Brighton Street Art FairAugust 23-25Brighton, MI


Art and ApplesSeptember 6-8Rochester Hills, MI